In the field of mechanics, rapid progress in the past two centuries has occurred, due in large measure to the ability of investigators to represent physical laws in terms of rather simple equations. In many cases the governing equations were not so simple; therefore, certain assumptions, more or less consistent with the physical situation, were employed to reduce the equations to types more easily soluble. Thus, the process of linearization has become an intrinsic part of the rational analysis of physical problems. An analysis based on linearized equations, then, may be thought of as an analysis of a corresponding but idealized problem.

In many instances the linear analysis is insufficient to describe the behavior of the physical system adequately. In fact, one of the most fascinating features of a study of nonlinear problems is the occurrence of new and totally unsuspected phenomena; i.e., new in the sense that the phenomena are not predicted, or even hinted at, by the linear theory. On the other hand, certain phenomena observed physically are unexplainable except by giving due consideration to nonlinearities present in the system.

The branch of mechanics that has been subjected to the most intensive attack from the nonlinear viewpoint is the theory of vibration of mechanical and electrical systems. Other branches of mechanics, such as incompressible and compressible fluid flow, elasticity, plasticity, wave propagation, etc., also have been studied as nonlinear problems, but the greatest progress has been made in treating vibration of nonlinear systems.

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